Paving the way for cutting edge customer experience design
GRAPHITE: Paving the way for cutting edge customer experience
Graphite Digital is a B Corp digital customer experience agency collaborating with healthcare and pharma companies to create more successful and inclusive digital products. From supporting organisations with their user research and analysis to designing and building customer-centric digital products, their goal is to ensure that companies meet their goals whilst delivering products that HCPs and patients actually want and need.
Our brief is to raise their profile within the pharma and healthcare industry, showcasing their expertise and experience of creating impactful digital products, and ensure that they are in consideration for brands looking to level-up their digital CX.
Through a programme of thought leadership, Visible has been able to give GraphiteDigital a voice in a crowded sector with a limited media audience. From publicising reports delivering unique insight on the state of digital products in the sector to establishing monthly commentary opportunities for key spokespeople, our work has gone from strength to strength.
By telling Graphite Digital’s story through their case studies and using their expertise, we have secured coverage with Pharma Times, PharmaPhorum, MMM, PM360 and Health Tech World. And we know it works: feedback shared directly with senior leadership has praised the improvement in their sector profile and delivered new opportunities to expand their horizons.